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Guizhou Vocational Technology Institute Paying a Visit to Our College to Exchange Experience on International Education and Overseas Students Management


On the morning of March 16, Chen Lina, Vice Dean of School of International Education of Guizhou Vocational Technology Institute, took a visit to our college with her colleagues to exchange experience on international education and overseas students management . Leaders and teachers, such as Party Secretary Jian Zhaoxia, Vice Dean Deng Zhenhua, Head of Chinese Teaching for Foreigners Zhao Yan and other teachers from international school of our college, attended the symposium held by Secretary Jian.  

After enjoying the propaganda film of our college, Deng Zhenhua laid importance on introducing our international education, overseas students management, teachers and team building of Chinese teaching for foreigners. Mr Deng noted our college, taking the opportunity of creating a national high quality vocational college, aimed at a fast, healthy and sustainable development in international education. So far, there are in total 320 international students from 12 countries, including Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, and so on. Besides, we have formulated and modified Management Rules and Regulations for International Students, innovated management theory, optimized management model of international students, and made a concerted effort to build an excellent team of Chinese teaching for foreigners. As a result, that team was awarded as the Provincial Excellent Teaching Team of Guizhou in 2017, which is a three-year construction program.

After introducing her college, Chen Lina stated TPC, boasting rich experience in Chinese teaching for foreigners and international students management, is a pioneer of international education among vocational colleges in Guizhou Province . She admitted that her college currently is at the early stage in international education, only recruiting very few international students from limited countries, and lacks management experience. Therefore, she paid this special visit with her colleagues to learn from us.

Finally, the two parties made an in-depth communication on institute setting, overseas students recruitment, teaching schedule, curriculum setting, teaching management , daily life management and so on.


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